This two to four day class is designed especially for quilters who wish to ‘personalise’ fabrics and create unique, ‘one off’ materials. Learn about some of the tricks of the trade used by prize winning quilters to create realism in their quilts. Use art techniques on your quilts. Create detailed fabric for features like faces, hair, feathers, leaves, petals, shadows and textures. Learn how to include text on a quilt. Hand colour fabrics for backgrounds like landscapes, skies and water or border fabrics or create feature fabrics and themed fabrics for special quilts. These simple techniques will open your imagination to lots of possibilities. This is not a dye workshop.
We will explore fabric inks, paints, textas and crayons. Techniques demonstrated include tonal shading, colour embellishment, watercolour and wash colouring, solar printing, stencilling and stamping fabrics for your individual quilts.