Many people struggle to develop an approach that synthesizes their ideas with quilting techniques. How to start an art quilt…?

Julie provides fun, easy, step by step exercises to challenge even the most non creative thinkers. We play with paper and fabric; cut up, tear, trace, glue, rearrange, colour and resolve. Discovering designs, patterns and inspirations in everyday events, places and items, we use a viewfinder to create some simple designs that are developed into a series of preparatory studies, colour samples and developmental sheets. Sketchbook size fabric and paper collages will be made as well as fabric samples and small trial pieces. No stitching required. Students will bring or begin a collection of images for their own ‘visual library’…most people have boxes of ‘stuff’ they can’t bear to part with.

The art elements of composition, balance, shape and unity will be explored in this activity. Designed to be a gradual approach to help students gain confidence in the exploring, translating, developing and expressing their own ideas.