Learn to print fabric to make your own bespoke creations. Think modern, organic shapes, large texture prints, funky baby animals or bold, large motifs like Marimekko style on linen, canvas, cotton. In this easy, informative and creative class Julie will share many different printing techniques she uses in her own
art, quilt making and home decoration. You will make print blocks, use various stencil-making materials, try silk screen printing and do template-free colour printing. Begin with quick stencil techniques, then develop a simple print motif, or simply use some of Julie’s stencil and
woodblock collection. The idea is to try all the techniques. (Students may bring their own too.) Design also for a scan and cut stencil based on personal ideas and learn colour mixing with ink and fabric paints, create mood design boards and colour swatch palettes. Modern printing uses rudimentary equipment, so the workshop is designed to be easily continued at home using simple tools. Day 3 students can sew and make items from their printed fabrics. Develop a theme or product line. Julie used cat motif to create some products suitable to sell